Our first term party – we take a break from our midterms in October by getting together and engaging in a college classic, the Halloween Party. There’s a dance floor downstairs with live DJs and music, karaoke, and more! Make sure to wear a costume for the best experience!
A Sigma Phi Delta tradition since the ’80s, we celebrate St. Patty’s day in style for our second big party of the year. Wear green, come blow off some steam at the Haus, and forget about all those midterms you just got the grades back for! This event happens around St. Patrick’s Day in March – check out our Facebook page for more details!
Our annual professional development event, featuring guest speakers on topics that vary from year to year. Topics from previous years have included:
The phrase “Pro Bono Professionis” is Sigma Phi Delta’s motto, which means “for the good of the profession”. This event is designed to help students develop their professional lives, and is open to everyone.
Every year, Sigma Phi Delta participates in E-Week (also known as the best week of the year) with our sister sorority, Alpha Omega Epsilon. We always go all-out in this inter-departmental competition, and usually do well despite our smaller numbers! One thing to watch out for is Opening Ceremonies, which SPD tends to be good at...
SPD also runs a number of other events during the year, including: